
Two Factor Authentication?

Why use two factor Authentication?   Simple: Imposters who want to blackmail you! Today’s computing environment is tenuous!   It is so because of the massive amount of fraud and stealing that is going on.   All computers are connected throughout the world.    Stealing is not done with a gone.  The prolific stealing is done through the internet,…


Proofpoint Email Security Services

Hello, Glen Jaffe here.   I am writing you today about the benefits of Proofpoint email security services. We at San Diego Computer Consulting use Proofpoint email security on every email account that we support for ALL our clients! Proofpoint is one of the top leaders in email security.    Adding Proofpoint to an account redirects email…


Receive a Microsoft License Verification email?

Example Below: ____________________________________________________________ From: Sent: Wednesday, 27 March 2019 10:37 AM Subject: (20290755): Microsoft License Verification Process   Hi Janet Further to my recent telephone call, your organization has been selected to complete a Microsoft License Verification process.  This process is designed to review the Microsoft software you have deployed, comparing that to the corresponding…


Secure Email

Encrypted / Secure email by Proofpoint & Echoworks San Diego Computer Consulting provides secure email solutions for our customers.    Secure email allows you to send a specific email to someone and make sure that email is completely private.    This is easily identifiable, when you get an email from your healthcare provider    The email comes to…
