April 12, 2020--Note from Rory Ginsburg, Project Manager
Thank you all for being so patient with my team here at SDCC. Our current times are just so fluid and tumultuous. I cannot think of anything that has been so difficult for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has felt like wartime. Between the deaths, loneliness, financial difficulty, loss of business, and no ability to see each other – the pain of it all is overwhelming. In these unprecedented times, we have all had to make many changes to the way we conduct business and live our lives. To help aid in the transition that we are all going through, my team at SDCC has been hard at work looking for ways to simplify running your business remotely.

Teams: One of the best collaboration tools!
After testing several options, we strongly believe that Microsoft Teams offers the best and most complete set of features and operability for you and your staff to work together and run projects remotely. Teams shares many of the same features that similar collaboration apps like Google Hangout and Slack have. You can chat individually or as a group, share files, setup project plans, have group calendars, share one another’s screens, and even video conference with multiple people at simultaneously! In addition, because it is part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs (which also includes Word, SharePoint, Outlook, and Excel among others), Teams enjoys seamless integration with these ancillary programs. To better understand Microsoft Teams, Pax8 (our Microsoft Cloud Provider) has set up a demonstration of the functionality of the program which you can view below.
Related:Teams Quick Overview
MS Teams Licensing, now free for 6 months.
Access to Microsoft Teams is free with a Business Premium or E3 license, which many of our clients already have. If you do not currently have a Microsoft license that supports access to Teams, we are offering a 6-month free trial to Teams to test out the program and its features to determine if it is the right fit for your organization. We are also offering our services to help get it set up for your organization free of charge. We off this service because we sincerely believe Teams will help make your company more robust and cohesive during this period of tremendous upheaval. SDCC uses Teams ourselves for all of our meetings and collaboration!

Quick Teams Demonstration.
To see the Teams application in action, and get a sense of how it can be integrated with your company’s operations, please view the video demonstration we have set up here. If you would like to learn more about the Microsoft Teams features and operability, and how it can assist your company to thrive in these uncertain times, please reach out directly to us at Support@SanDiegoComputer.com
Want to learn more about Teams and the power of instant collaboration with your co-workers?
We offer a Free First Consultation. Contact Us