Office 365 is the foundation of the modern cloud-connected business. Offering a full suite of productivity applications, email, and more, it streamlines how you work. SDCC can show you how this great product can eliminate the need for costly upgrade cycles and on-premises email servers.
More than just an option to move your email to the cloud, Office 365 includes connected software and services. Depending on your needs, it can provide:
- Microsoft Office Productivity Suite
- SharePoint
- One Drive
- Teams
- Bookings
- Invoicing
- MileIQ
- Customer Manager
Office 365 also provides access to hundreds of Office 365 “Add-Ins” that can be centrally managed and deployed. Everything from Analytics to HR Tools, as well as industry specific plug-ins.
SDCC has transitioned thousands of mailboxes to Office 365 Exchange Online. Let us show you how simple a migration can be.